Editor’s Note

Susanne E. Hall

Prompt 6.1. Submitted November 7, 2021; accepted November 7, 2021; published January 31, 2022. For the PDF version of this essay and any supplementary material accompanying it, visit https://doi.org/10.31719/pjaw.v6i1.133 .

I am very pleased to share this second special issue of Prompt on writing assignments engaged with social justice with our readers. Ann E. Green, Wiley Davi, and Olivia Giannetta have continued the editorial collaboration that produced special issue 5.1 to bring you the current issue. As was the case in 5.1, you will find in 6.1 a diversity of viewpoints and approaches to learning about and practicing social justice in a very wide variety of contexts. I hope these assignments help support new and ongoing efforts toward inclusive and anti-racist teaching across the disciplines and beyond the university.

I want to give a special thanks to Ann, Wiley, and Olivia for the care they have taken in working closely with each author whose work appears in this issue. The Prompt editorial team strives to bring an ethos of support and open dialogue to our work with authors, and this issue’s special editors exemplify the deep attention and genuine care that characterizes academic editing at its best. The journal has been very lucky to have them helping with not just one, but two, special issues of our journal.

In terms of other developments with our journal, I am pleased to welcome three new members to Prompt’s editorial board. They are:

Stephanie Kerschbaum, Department of English, University of Washington

Michael T. MacDonald, Department of Language, Culture, and Communication, University of Michigan, Dearborn

Jennifer Sano-Franchini, Department of English, Virginia Tech

I continue to be so grateful for the generosity of those who volunteer their time to ensure the success of this journal. That includes our board members, our editorial staff, our production team, and our reviewers. As we deal with the ongoing challenges of teaching, researching, and doing administrative work during a long pandemic, it is never lost on me that many people are taking time that they could be using in many other ways to ensure the success and quality of Prompt. I want to offer my deepest thanks to all of you.