We are pleased to announce this special issue of Prompt, “In limine: Writing Assignments at the Transition from Undergraduate to Law School,” edited by Lindsay Head, Antonio Elefano, and Brian Larson.
We can take little credit for this guest issue, and we owe a debt of gratitude to past editors Susanne Hall and Holly Ryan for setting this issue in motion. We are grateful, too, that guest editor Brian Larson is also a production editor for Prompt; his existing familiarity with many aspects of our editing process has undoubtedly made this a more enjoyable and straightforward experience for the contributors to this issue. Our involvement has been limited mostly to early comments on and approval of the articles selected for inclusion here.
Even at that early stage, we were impressed by the breadth of topics and the creativity of assignment designs the authors proposed. And, despite the focus here on the specific transition of undergraduates into law school, we are hopeful that many ideas here can translate well to other settings, serving to support a number of other threshold-crossing experiences students face into and through their post-secondary education. Given Prompt’s commitment to disseminating writing assignments across a range of disciplines and professions, we think this special issue goes a long way in shedding light on the field of law and the challenges its practitioners face in enculturating students into their profession.
In other news, we are pleased to announce that several members of the Prompt editorial team have agreed to renew their terms: Continuing as editorial board members (through 2027) are Doug Downs, Douglas Eyman, and Rachel Riedner, and continuing as associate editors are Ethan Youngerman and Aimee Mapes. We are grateful to all of our editorial team for their engagement with Prompt’s work.