Social Equity and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace A Case-Based Technical and Professional Communication Assignment

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Samuel Dunn
Sherri Craig


As questions of social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion have come into greater focus in the field of technical and professional communication (TPC), we have developed an assignment sequence in our TPC courses centered on these issues. This assignment sequence reframes our units on workplace communication and correspondence and asks students to practice a variety of genres in addressing and creating cases of intercultural miscommunication, insensitivity, and ignorance in the workplace. We have adopted a case study pedagogy for this assignment in an effort to preempt the resistance that can sometimes accompany discussions of social justice in courses where social justice is not traditionally addressed. We have found that this approach makes the instruction more authentic, provides students with realistic workplace situations in which to practice professional correspondence, and highlights the existence and reality of social issues in the contemporary workplace.

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How to Cite
Dunn, S., & Craig, S. (2023). Social Equity and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: A Case-Based Technical and Professional Communication Assignment. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, 7(1).