Does Metacognition Matter? Prompting Students to Think about How They Think

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Morgan Luck
Erika R. Francis
Stephanie Bernard
Anne Schempp


This writing assignment, titled Metacognitive Analysis, prompts awareness of metacognition in learners early in their medical disciplines as they critically evaluate their process for making medical decisions. The Metacognitive Analysis assignment is completed by first-year graduate health profession students in a master’s level physician assistant (PA) course focused on the development of critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Throughout the semester, patient teaching cases are discussed and dissected by the students in small-group, problem-based learning sessions. In the Metacognitive Analysis assignment, students extend this learning by evaluating their own individual decision-making process in relation to concepts of intuitive and analytic reasoning.

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How to Cite
Luck, M., Francis, E., Bernard, S., & Schempp, A. (2025). Does Metacognition Matter? Prompting Students to Think about How They Think. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, 9(1).
Author Biographies

Morgan Luck, Shenandoah University

Morgan Luck, EdD, PA-C is Associate Director of Admissions and Associate Professor in the Division of Physician Assistant Studies at Shenandoah University.

Erika R. Francis, Shenandoah University

Erika R. Francis, MSPAS, PA-C is Associate Director of Didactic Assessment and Technology and Associate Professor in the Division of Physician Assistant Studies at Shenandoah University.

Stephanie Bernard, Shenandoah University

Stephanie Bernard, EdD, PA-C, RD is Associate Program Director and Director of Didactic Education and Associate Professor in the Division of Physician Assistant Studies at Shenandoah University.

Anne Schempp, Shenandoah University

Anne Schempp, EdD, PA-C is Division Director and Associate Professor in the Division of Physician Assistant Studies at Shenandoah University.