Scaffolded Daily Writing Assignments Introducing the Writing of Mathematical Proofs

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David Abrahamson


Writing mathematical proofs is a key component of writing in the discipline in mathematics. Historically, many students have struggled in pursuing this endeavor, particularly during their early exposure to the process. To help students progress toward the goal of being able to consistently create well-written proofs, I present an incremental approach used in a course for elementary education majors who are concentrating in mathematics. This approach uses daily low-stakes writing assignments. Using this instructional technique, I found that student engagement improved and that, overall, better mathematical proofs were written. One more instructor at my institution has already adopted the same methods, and I expect more to do so.

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How to Cite
Abrahamson, D. (2019). Scaffolded Daily Writing Assignments Introducing the Writing of Mathematical Proofs. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, 3(1).


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