Writing a Videogame: Rhetoric, Revision, and Reflection

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Kendall Gerdes
Melissa Beal
Sean Cain


This essay reflects on a three-part assignment in which students plan, design, and reflect on a text-based videogame. Created originally for a composition course focused on rhetoric and videogames, the assignment lends itself to teaching about the writing process, especially invention and revision, teaching procedural rhetorics, and teaching technical communication concepts such as iterative design and usability. This essay is coauthored by the instructor with two students who took the course in different semesters, highlighting the collaborative nature of even solo-authored game design, as well as how making games can help students take up rhetorical concerns in other genres.

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How to Cite
Gerdes, K., Beal, M., & Cain, S. (2020). Writing a Videogame: Rhetoric, Revision, and Reflection. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, 4(2), 3–12. https://doi.org/10.31719/pjaw.v4i2.64