Reading and Fighting Patriarchy Book Groups and Young Adult Feminist Fiction

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Deanna Chappell


In a course whose goals are to unmask patriarchal structures and understand the difference between patriarchy, misogyny, and sexism, students read young adult (YA) feminist novels and critiqued them in light of their new knowledge of issues in education, gender, and politics.  In the context of a term-long project, students were asked to write a synopsis of their chosen book, and an analysis of how the author illustrates gender-based oppression and young people’s resistance.  Using Manne's (2018) definition of patriarchy as an overarching structure, students recommended their books in a series of reviews for distribution to local middle and high school libraries.

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How to Cite
Chappell, D. (2022). Reading and Fighting Patriarchy: Book Groups and Young Adult Feminist Fiction. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, 6(1).